News from the Geopark

Herb hike around the Bad Liebenstein castle ruins

Bad Liebenstein

The aim is to introduce you to some forest and meadow herbs, trees and medicinal plants. We will show you how to identify and recognise the most important ones and what they are used for. The "Burgruine" tour runs for approx. 3 km along the castle ruins of Bad Liebenstein.  The herb hike is easy to walk. Nevertheless, we recommend sturdy shoes and a jacket - just in case! It's also best to pack something to drink along the way.

Come with us and discover the benefits of nature!

Cost: 26.00 euros

Duration: 2 hours

Distance: approx. 3 km

Registration under: 01590/4861517 or hallo@krä

Meeting point: Kneipp facility, Herzog-Georg-Str. 4, 36448 Bad Liebenstein

Organiser: Kräuterstube Nele Göpfert